Sunday, March 16, 2008

Common Sense Please

I can't stop laughing when I read the article on "Taxi rules upset Hotels". Naturally one will feel the exact sentiments as the Hotels particularly those Budget & Boutique Hotels that do not have a driveway or a taxi stand.

Imagine the hotel guests having to push the luggage to and fro to designated taxi stands of which some is located on the opposite side of the road and the only pedestrian crossing is a overhead bridge.

A few days later, LTA has replied to the feedback and concerns raised on the new taxi rule and in my personal opinion is out-rightly lame.

LTA explained that the new taxi ruling implemented on Mar 1 2008 is after much consultation with the Taxi Operators' Associations, and the principal reason for this new rule is SAFETY. They go on to explain on the sudden stopping and haphazard lane switch pose a danger to passengers and other road users. If that is so, why only applicable to CBD areas? To me, educating the drivers could be a better alternative to alleviate or tackle the problem.

For example, it is like implementing a rule that no TV programmes should be aired between 7pm -10pm as the principal reason is to prevent kids in Singapore to become a potato couch. One should educate the kids to be selective on the types of TV programmes; wouldn't that a better way to tackle the root cause of an issue.

With this new taxi rule, imagine the inconvenience caused to tourists or hotel guests. They are not familiar with Singapore, and they may have more than 2 pieces of luggage. Walking 100m or any short distance to locate the hotel they are going to stay is plain stupidity and imposed further DANGER. Imagine - A tourist pushing the luggage to cross a road, or even worse, to walk on the side of the road when there is no pavement, probably one hand holding on to a Singapore map and/or an umbrella (when is raining) - this could certainly be the most "memorable" scene.

The LTA proposed resolution is to provide more taxi stands at popular destinations like hotels and government buildings. Tsk tsk, this would not solve the problem especially when the road is a 2-way road with a stretch of hotels scatteredly located on either side of the road. How many taxi stands does the LTA planning to erect?

So far, the topic is on Hotels, on tourists and hotel guests. What about the handicapped? What about the senior citizens whereby their mobility are restricted? With the aging population, this new taxi rule will hit hard on them too.

To sidetrack on this, the fleet of double-decker buses that catered for the handicapped is something that I have strong opinion on. I don't understand why SBS will approve an almost knee-height steps leading to the back of the bus. I have seen many bus commuters twisted and sprained the ankle or nearly fell down trying to climb up and down that step. I cannot imagine the DANGER it will pose to an elderly person with weak limbs.

Come on, I am a stupid and retarded person, I can see the DANGER why can't those who are more highly educated than me see it? This is common sense. If it is only me that think this way, kindly enlighten me!


george said...

It is easy to be a good civil servant here because we have lazy big time politicians who leave it all to their arm-chair expert of the civil service.

selcarims said...

Thanks Porcin, what a well written piece.

I hope those who implement this stupid policy wake up and think of a better solution. (No, I'm not going to give them any ideas; let'em use their pea brains and earn their fat salaries.)

Afterall, everyone's complaining from the cab drivers to the hoteliers, tourists, and passengers.