由知名导演高志森和金牌编剧杜国威指导的粤语音乐剧《喝彩》于去年在香港首度公演,掀起了巨大回响,不但热卖35场,而且场场爆满。原汁原味的《喝彩》 已在于2007年11月23 - 24日首度在新加坡D'Marquee, Downtown East公演。而我也去看了。
《喝彩》故事讲述三位才华横溢的少年人Leslie(谭伟权饰)、Paul(郑家俊饰)和Danny(陈健豪饰)为多年好友,他们刚刚踏足社会,本应前 途无限。Danny在歌唱比赛中展露音乐天分,成为流行乐坛的新宠儿,但面对成名后的种种压力,竟渐渐依赖药物去逃避及减压。Paul口才了得,成为电 台当红 DJ,但却爱上赌博,欠下无法偿还的巨债。Leslie当上歌手,面对挫折从不放弃,终创出骄人佳绩,但长年累月绷紧著的神经却令他渐渐染上抑 郁的情绪。昔日的三个好友,在成长路上渐渐越行越远,分道扬镳。
故事透过以三位主角的自身遭遇带出现今香港青少年面对情绪、滥药及赌博等问题,题材励志,带出青年人面对逆境或困难时要有勇于面对的精神,而且为加强感 染力,演员在剧中更演绎张国荣和陈百强40首经典歌曲。
From Hong Kong, SpringTime Stage’s cantonese musical Shooting Stars is a tribute to the forever-missed Canto-pop stars Danny Chan and Leslie Cheung, who suffered from drugs abuse and depression respectively in their last years. The musical features more than 40 songs from the two artists and portrays some of the common problems youngsters face nowadays, including drugs, gambling addiction and emotion instability.
Enjoy the musical show. No regrets though my butts and back had suffered due to the cramp seatings.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
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